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Business Number Registration

Register your business phone number(s) with First Orion, and get more control of how your outbound business calls display on phones.

Improperly registered businesses run the risk of being mistaken for scam calls or another business entirely.

Here’s why you should register your business number:

  • Avoid scam labels – we vet and verify your business
  • It’s QUICK! - register in 5 minutes or less
  • It’s FREE! – there is no cost for business number registration
  • It’s EASY! - we walk you through every step of the process
how to register your business phone number

Business Number Registration

The First Step to Improving Your Brand Reputation

When your legitimate business numbers are flagged as “Scam Likely,” it can damage your brand reputation and frustrate customers. You also risk being mistaken for a spam call or another business, which means lower answer rates and fewer resolutions.

Registering your number is the first step in improving your brand reputation. First Orion’s Customer Portal requires minimal effort and can be completed within just a few minutes. Our experienced team can walk you through every step of the process in our portal, which is free to access. You can ensure that your business is legitimized, verifying your outbound calls for consumers.

For improved brand reputation and a decreased risk of call mislabeling, be sure your business is following the recommended Call Behavior Best Practices. By following these steps, you can improve business calling outcomes and minimize call scam and spam labeling.

Want more info on number registration? Check out our blog, Reasons your Business Should Register Its Phone Number.

Branded Calling from First Orion

For an even more personalized call experience, check out our Branded Communication solutions – INFORM and ENGAGE.

Display your business’s phone number, name, and the reason you’re calling, delivering a better customer experience (and stopping scammers in their tracks).